Festival Angels, and similar, happen at several major UK Festivals - so if you are at V Festival, Reading, MoFest or Leeds come and connect with us...
Local Street Angels, Town Pastors, etc teams also offer patrols at localised events such as galas, carnivals, music festivals, etc. We also have teams at major sporting events including Wimbledon and race days as well as one events such as the Tour de France Grande Depart, Commonwealth Games and London's Olympics. We also have #FestPrayer as a way of connecting prayers - see this page. We have also produced this amazing limited edition "Jesus Loves Festivals" Mark's Gospel - these will be available at Leeds, V Staffordshire and Edinburgh this year from our teams... (see the exploring faith page here) PRESS RELEASE: Jesus Loves Festivals edition Gospel Premier Radio feature the work at Leeds, V and Edinburgh UCB Radio feature our work If you run something at a local / regional festival or if you want help in setting up work at a festival we would love to connect! Our heart is to work together across the nation to see the church engaged in loving, helping and caring for people at music festivals - and as you can see from this Wikepedia entry there are a few! |
Festival Angels Ltd (company limited by guarantee 16004100) part of ROC Angels - rocangels.org an initiative of ROC (Redeeming Our Communities) Charity - 1139817.